A. Kotb, C. Guo, “Numerical Modeling of Photonic Crystal Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers-Based 160 Gb/s All-Optical NOR and XNOR Logic Gates”, Optical and Quantum Electronics 52, 89 (2020)
A. Kotb, C. Guo, “All-Optical NOR and XNOR Logic Gates at 2 Tb/s Based on Two-Photon Absorption in Quantum-Dot Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers”, Optical and Quantum Electronics 52, 30 (2020)
S. Maurya, R. Ganeev, A. Rout, C. Guo, “Influence of PVP Polymer Concentration on Nonlinear Absorption in Silver Nanoparticles at Resonant Excitation”, Applied Physics A-Materials Science & Processing 126, 26 (2020)
A. Kotb, C. Guo, “120 Gb/s All-Optical NAND Logic Gate Using Reflective Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers”, Journal of Modern Optics 67, 1138-1144 (2020)
A. Kotb, C. Guo, “Reflective Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers-Based All-Optical NOR and XNOR Logic Gates at 120 Gb/s”, Journal of Modern Optics 67, 1424-1435 (2020)
Y. Wang, B. Zhao, C. Min, Y. Zhang, J. Yang, C. Guo, X. Yuan, “Research progress of femtosecond surface plasmon polariton”, Chinese Physics B 29(2), 027302 (2020)
F. Wang, T. Zou, W. Xin, J. Yang, “Control of the Wettability of Graphene Oxide Surface with Femtosecond Laser Irradiation (Invited)”, Infrared and Laser Engineering 49(12), 20201064 (2020)
B. Zhao, J. Yang, J. Cheng and C. Guo, “Capture of Femtosecond Plasmon Excitation on Transient Nonequilibrium States of The Metal Surface”. Physical Review Research 2, 033418 (2020)
B. Zhao, X. Zheng, T. Zou , H. Xie, W. Xin, J. Yang, C. Guo,“Control of Subwavelength Periodic Surface Structure Formation with Femtosecond Laser Pulses”, Laser & Optoelectronics Progress 57(11), 111404 (2020)