Assist. Prof. Dr. Alemayehu Nana Koya
Dr. Koya studied optical properties of strongly coupled plasmonic nanostructures at Changchun University of Science and Technology (China) and obtained a PhD degree in Optics in 2017 with the support of Chinese Government Scholarship. Subsequently, he joined Chinese Academy of Sciences first as a postdoctoral fellow and then visiting researcher to work on plasmon-enhanced optical processes for two years. In 2019, he joined the Italian Institute of Technology as a postdoctoral researcher, where he studied the optical properties and applications of nanostructured plasmonic materials, metasurfaces and systems for two years. Currently, he is an Assistant Professor at the Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics, and Physics in China and also at WolaitaSodo University in Ethiopia. Alemayehu’s research focuses on exploring the optical properties of plasmonicnanoarchitectures and exploiting their potentials for novel applications including optical trapping, biosensing, and enhanced spectroscopy. Dr. Koya has published several original and review articles in top journals with highest impact factor such as ACS Nano, Advanced Functional Materials, Applied Physics Reviews, Advanced Optical Materials, Nanoscale Advances, and others. He is recipient of the 2017 CSC Outstanding International Student Award.